Official music video for the song "Black City Parade" by INDOCHINE Director: Richard Kern DP: Kevin Hayden Editor: Jim Demuth Producer: Sydney Buchan Shot in NYC, August 2013

Indochine - "Black City Parade"  (2013)

Dir / edit Richard Kern

Wall - "Cuban Cigars" (2015)

Director, etc: R. Kern shot in NYC Summer 2014

The Prettiots - "Boys (I dated in High School) (2014)

Annie feat. Bjarne Melgaard - "Russian Kiss" (2014)

Music Video for the song "Lover's Cave" by Is Tropical. Director: Richard Kern DP: Kevin Hayden Editor: Jim Demuth Producer: Pegah Farahmand Shot in London in June, 2013

Is Tropical - "Lover's Cave" (2013) 

Music: OFF! Director: R. Kern Happy music and California Sunshine. Negativity. Surfing, skating, guns, punks and nerds.

OFF - "Wiped Out" (2012) 

The Virgins - "Venus in Chains" (2012)

Director: Richard Kern Band: Dentata Song: "Earwig"

Dentata - "Earwig" (2011)

Marilyn Manson - "Lunchbox" (1995

Breeders - "Divine Hammer" (1993) (co-directed with Spike Jones and Kim Gordon)

King Missile - "Detachable Penis" (1992)

Sonic Youth - "Death Valley 69" (1985) (co-directed with Judith Barry)